Monday, June 06, 2005

Stupid birds

Since my last post I have made pretty good progress on the puzzle. I pretty much matched all of the water pieces and I have been working steadily on getting the rocks to match up. All in all I would say that I have gotten through about 40% of the puzzle.

It's pretty fun and it's something that I can just do a little of and walk away from. It's also nice because I can sit in the living room, where the birds are, and they like it when I just hang out.

Every once in a while they will fly over and try to get in on the puzzle action. It would be a problem if they just stomped around on the loose peices but they usually head for the parts that are together and try to take the puzzle apart. It's not really a problem because I just pick them up and put them back on my shoulder and they get the idea.

Well, I think they were just waiting for the right time. I was pretty tired on Sunday so after lunch I decided to take a nap.

That's when they struck
I was asleep for about 45 minutes, when Johanna woke me up, I sat up on the couch, looked over towards the table and there were 3 cockatiels feverishly disassembling the puzzle. Not 1, not 2, but all 3! They never do anything together. Sometimes you think they hate each other...

Not on Sunday, I think as soon as I fell asleep they went to town. They got the entire puzzle almost completely apart.


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