Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Last Wedding for a while

Chrissy and Devan are now somewhere in the British Virgin Islands. After over a year of planning, they pulled off what I would consider a flawless wedding. It's really hard to manage an event, centered around yourself (but not really about yourself) that includes 150+ guests and 30+ vendors. There are bound to be some oversights. There is no way the schedule is going to stay together. Someone is going to go crazy and have a complete meltdown in the middle of the ceremony.

Well. None of that happened. If you know responsible, organized Devan and his new wife, you aren't surprised. They managed to pull off a dual (Hindu-Christian) ceremony in style and grace. I am pround of them.

Pictures are coming soon, I accidentally published this post. I am such a noob.

Edit: So I looked through my pictures from the weekend, they are mostly crap. but there are a couple of good ones.

The first one isn't actually from the wedding. It's from BWI airport. Did you know they had cyborgs at the B terminal?

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