Monday, February 28, 2005

Maybe a new bike...Wedding pics to be posted soon...

So, I really HAD to end my last post with the link that I left for everyone. I mean really, how could follow that with some useless blabber about a movie or the latest mini-z upgrade?

Anyway, just a heads up with what's going on this month. First, it's March which means it is the month that Johanna and I revamp the bathroom. We haven't made any plans or anything but, it's gonna happen...really! We really should get on that.

Second, there may be a new bike in store for Jimmy Jam. (That's my street name... G-G-G-G-G-G-UNIT!) A really sweet bike has emerged form the woodworks at a really nice price. I am pretty sure I am going to get it. I just have to look at the finances, do my taxes, BLAH BLAH BLAH...The hard part is going to be buying a bike without really getting a chance to try it out. But I think that's always how it is. You can ride it around the parking lot but without taking it through the paces, there's just no way to tell. Here's a pic...

I am also working on resizing and posting the pictures from our wedding back in October. While I am thinking of it...anyone out there who is bitter that they did not get a thank you card...we are working on it. We have had some communication breakdowns with our photographer. It's a little difficult to stay on top of it when we are so far away.

hmmm...I noticed that Steve hasn't updated his blog in a while, I'll have to get on him about that.

February Recap...Looking into March

So, February was a decent month. Lots of Mini-Z racing, a little bit of bike riding with more to come. The hair experiment was cool. If only you could get instant dreads ... but I guess unless you're Mekhi Phifer you gotta earn those locks.

For the last day of February we have a fair amount of snow falling in the center of the commonwealth, I don't know if it's going to stay vary long but it's almost guaranteed that school will be closed most of the week. Does that effect me...not really but I don't have much else to say right now.

If you are just piddling around the internets, check out some of the links on the right. There are a couple of blogs that are worth checking out and some random webpages of people that I know.

If you are here looking for another movie review, I guess I could dig one up. In the past couple of days we saw Hitch and Girl with a Pearl Earring.

So...the movie reviews will have to wait for another time. Ebay is always good for some interesting auctions. I have seen toast that looks like Jesus, auctions for a picture of an Xbox but this one is definitely one of the best. Not for the faint of heart (actually it's not that bad). Enough hype, here's the link

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


So they say kick-ass things happen in threes! I am waiting for number three to show up any day now. What are number one and two you ask. Well, I'll tell you.

Last night I took first place in the mini-z open race. Third in Formula 1 but whatev...I think this is my first official win against official competition. Unfortunately, Stampy just stopped giving gift certificates for wins so I don't know if I actually get anything. OH WELL.

Number two? I just found out that I am going to be a sponsered rider for the Charlottesville Racing Club. I guess that means I should start riding my bike again. Basically they choose riders based on their race results and contributions to the club. My results are mediocre but I do enjoy putting time and energy into the club events. Hopefully, we can get the MTB side of things going strong. We learn a little more every year.

I wonder what number 3 will be? Maybe it already happened...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Not much has happened since the last post. The hair is short once again, Valentine's day has come and gone, the little groundhog saw his shadow calling for 6 weeks of winter weather. (Although it is going to be 65 degrees today).

So...what's been going on??? Mostly racing cars, selling crap on Ebay and watching some movies.

The past three nights have left me with three movies to ponder. Let's see...Saturday night was Yojimbo. It's a little wierd, definately original and I guess it's a classic. It's a Samurai story written by this famous Japanese guy Akira Kurosawa. It's a story about a broke, hungry Samurai who no longer has an empire to serve. He wanders into a small town that has been corrupted by gambling, silk and whores and plays people against each other to scrounge up some food and money. There's a little more to it than that, but the Samurai Sanjuro Kuwabatake is pretty bad ass and basically ends up killing all of the bad dudes in the end.

Sunday Night was Stepford wives.

First thing I have to say is that this movie reminded me a little bit of Beetlejuice. It was kind of surreal, you could almost believe what was hapening, until someone woke your ass up, bitch slapped you and said "are you crazy, this couldn't happen"

The second thing I have to say about this movie is...Some people could be offended by the thought that there are men out there who want their wives to serve their every desire...I'm not touching that one with a 10 foot pole.

Last night Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Pretty cool, kind of corny, big robots, annoying reporter, stylized violence. It's worth a couple of bucks to rent if you don't have anything better to do. Angelina Jolie's character was cool, Dex was cool, Jude Law was okay, Polly Parker was an annoying PITA.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Dreads no more

Okay, I knew that dreads were not going to be easy. Sure, when people see you with dread the first thing that they see is the dreads. Do you think I care about that...No, not really. What I do care about is a hairstyle that is pretty impractical for me.

  • I have to sleep with something on my head to keep things nice and neat.
  • I have to twist my hair all friggin day, which means I have to wash my hands about 30 times a day or my keyboard and mouse will be covered in wax.
  • I can't shampoo my hair until they lock up.
  • I still haven't figured out how I am going to wear a bike helmet with dreads.
  • I have to spend about 45 minutes in the morning retwisting my hair to bring them "back to life" from sleeping on them.

Just too much work for me. I would rather spend the time fixing my bike or tweaking my mini-z's. So, in an hour or so I am going to wash my hair, go to the barber and be back to the simple (clean) life.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Knotty Knotty Dreads

So I have been growing my hair out since the wedding (Early October 2004) and now 4 months later I decided to do some research and I found someone in town that starts dreadlocks. My first search was a little bit interesting. I thought I was going into a black salon but I had the wrong address. I found a place with marble floors, classical music and an older white lady getting her hair shampood. Believe it or not...they didn't do dreads. But I found someone. Here's a couple of before shots.

and here are a couple of pics on day 1. Right now they just look like curls, it will take them a while to lock up into true dreads. For now I just have to twist and twist and twist.