Thursday, January 27, 2005

How VA handles snow

I am not sure but I think we got about an inch of snow on Friday night, maybe it was Saturday. Either way it wasn't very much snow at all. First thing that I noticed was that noone shoveled the snow from in front of thier house. It was like some sort of Pavlovian response to get outside with a shovel two hours after the snow started to fall. As soon as I noticed that there was a layer collecting on the sidewalk I went into "auto-shovel" mode. All I could hear in my head was "If someone falls and slips out there they can sue us!" Thanks Mom

Monday, January 24, 2005

So what is a blog for if not to bitch. I have to be careful though or some X-mod toting kids may come to my door and start some trouble.

I went to the LHS yesterday to race my mini-z's but the "snow" kept everyone away. Only a small handful were brave enough to venture out in the 1/2 inch dusting of snow we got two days earlier to come out and race toy cars. I was there for about an hour and we had some pretty fun five lap sprint races going on. It was all good for a while until the X-mods rolled in.

First thing I have to say is I have nothing against you if you choose to drive a radio shack car instead of a hobby quality product but whatever you drive...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE learn to drive it.

I was sitting on the start line waiting for two other racers to join me for another 5 lap sprint when some kid slaps hs car on the track, punches the throttle and smashes into the rear end of my car, cracking the ass end of my newest toy. That wasn't the first time an X-mod hit my car. They lose control seemingly randomly and tend to run other cars into the wall.(I wish it was acceptable to bitch slap little kids)

I think from now on I will be keeping my rustler in the trunk of my car. If the X-mods come out...the Rustler comes out. BONG!

Monday, January 17, 2005

...but if you really do want to know...

I have been racing small Radio Controlled cars. I think I have definately picked up a new hobby.

First I started with a couple of 1/10 scale trucks. An electric Rustler and a Stampede.

These things are FUN! but there is only so much you can do by yourself in a softball field. They can get up to about 30 MPH and they are great for bashing around construction sites or in a backyard but without competition it gets pretty boring pretty fast. I think down the line I may get rid of these. It may not be worth the money it takes to keep these running.

When I was in the hobby shop looking for parts for the Rustler, I saw these. They are Mini-Z's.

There was a track in the shop that they use to run races three times a week. I usually get out to race once or twice a week. The first car I got was a Corvette.

The coolest thing about these mini-z's is that they are small enough that the parts are cheap but they are big enough and fast enough that the upgrades really do make a difference. Don't get me the end, it's how well you can drive them but you've gotta have the right basic setup after that it's just fluff and bling.

"Hey, what have you been up to?"

So...have you ever seen somebody that you haven't seen in a while and they go "Hey, what have you been up to?" I usually just give them a blank stare for a couple of seconds while I try to think of at least one interesting thing that I have done over the last three months.

If I can't come up with anything my second thought is to come up with something that won't really inspire any more questions.

"ohhh, what have I been up to? hmmm...let me think...oh, I got an iPod...yeah it's really cool! So, what about you?"

Nobody wants to hear that I am racing little cars around a home-made track with 13 year olds who are spanking me left and right.

I mean what would the response be if I said "WOAH I JUST GOT A BALL BEARING DIFFERENTIAL FOR MY 1/28th scale MCLAREN F1...IT HANDLES SO MUCH BETTER NOW!"

Nobody wants to hear that crap. So, I talk about movies and weather and other stuff.

Friday, January 14, 2005

This is only a test...

So, I have been thinkingof putting a blog together for a while but it seemed like a huge pain in the ass. Fortunately I was checking out and I found my buddy steve's link for his blog. Looks like the easy solution is here.