Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cyber Meltdown

I don't usually look at the article adverts on the sidebar of my Hotmail, but this one caught my eye. Here's an excerpt...

The United States has never experienced a massive Internet outage, but a coalition of dynamic chief executives said Friday that the nation must do more to prepare for that prospect.

Without proper planning, myriad industries--from health care to transportation to financial services--could face devastation if a natural disaster, terrorist or hacker succeeded in disrupting Net access, they said.

You can read the entire article here.

Personally, I think it could be pretty rough to not be able to shop, check account balances, pay bills, get music, etc, online, but I don't think it would be the end of the world. There are so many cyber geeks out there that something would popup to facilitate sharing information.

It has been somewhat lost but personally I think sharing information is the real power behind the internet. Maybe if we have a cyber meltdown, blogs and forums will be king...trumping Amazon and Ebay.

Friday, June 23, 2006

So like I mentioned in the last post, life has been pretty busy lately. I think I am trying to keep too many balls in the air at once but that's just the way I roll. Even with Johanna out of town and in Japan, a lot of my free time is taken up by too much stuff.

First, there's the riding. I am probably averaging 3-5 days on the bike. I don't really do any other form of exercise and it's pretty damn fun. I haven't been on my road bike in a while and the local MTB spots are getting a little stale so I think I am going to have to venture a little farther away fotr some rejuvination. Along with the riding would have to be the race planning. Running Bi-weekly brownie crits and planning cross country races are taking up some time.

Next is the Mini-Z's. Lots and lots of time on the Mini-Z's. Just about every other Saturday I am driving to D.C. (2.5 hours) to race my little cars with other 30ish year olds. These things are a straigh up addiction. They are tons of fun and there is always some tweaing to do. I am waiting for the point where all of my cars are just setup and running. The problem is that it's just as much fun to tweak and mod as it is to drive, so sometimes I spend literally hours at night working on the kitchen table putting a car back together. This should slow down once I get all of my setups dialed though.

Next is more Mini-Z's. Someone gave me a track and I have been setting it up at one of the local hobby shops to try and get some racing going. There are a bunch of RC drivers in this town but they all run big load off road trucks. There used to be a pretty strong following of Mini-Z racers around here over a year ago but it just died down and here I am trying to breathe life back into it.

Next would have to be work. Around all of these hobbies I have to find time to spend a couple of hours a day funding them. Work has been pretty busy these days. Please don't ask what I do, it's not that I would have to kill you it's just that I don't really know...and even if I did, it would bore you anyway. My hobbies are much more exciting!

The icing on the cake is my addiction to procrastinating. I can never just go to bed at 10:30 or 11:00. No, I have to tinker with this, fiddle with that, look up one last thing on the internet, check my email, blah blah blah. I'll settle into a better routine one of these days. (Probably in late August when Johanna gets back from Japan)

Well, if anyone wants to race Mini-Z's, ride mountain bikes, eat brownies, or surf the web, don't hesitate to give me a call.


Sunday, June 04, 2006

It's been a while

I think I am getting in over my head again. I am juggling a lot of things right now (work , riding, Mini-z's, more Mini-Z's, more riding) and I just don't have the time to do it all, nevermind report on it on a daily basis.

There have been a couple of recent big events

Number 1 - Johanna's Graduation

They call it "Final exercises" at UVa. I think that's a dumb name. I have a couple of really good pictures but not on this computer so you'll have to wait for these

Number 2 - My Birthday

I also have pictures from this one but I am too lazy to resize them right now.

Number 3 - Angry Cockatiel

Our female cockatiel Harriet has started laying eggs. We don't think that they are fertile but we have to let her lay a full clutch and sit on them for about 10 days. If we take the eggs away she'll keep laying and that can lead to all kinds of health problems.

Here's a picture of her. She was rolling the eggs under her but she stopped when she saw me, that's why she's only sitting on one and the other two are around her. She's actually a pretty good mom.

A closer look.