Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day Three

I am starting to think 100 pushups is quite a lofty goal.  I am up to 34 in a row and there was a slight hiccup when I had to replace my EVO (since I lost the progress on my app) but I am back on track.  Maybe I'll reset my goal to 50...That's still a pretty good number.

Anyway...onto the day's recap.

First, I had the pleasure of watching the plumber fix some minor issues in the bathroom.  One of the simple pleasures of working from home or being unemployed is that you can basically schedule any service for anytime. Cable guy at 2:00PM, plumber at 9:00AM, sure, why not?  It's also quite great that I am in a rental and I never see the bill.  While Jim the plumber was fixing leaky faucets and climbing into the crawlspace to turn off the water, I paid some bills, worked a little more on my Polo Scoreboard and just did some general internet goofing off.  The scoreboard is coming along nicely but I've got to buckle down and figure out the next details so I can order another round of parts.

When I did finally get out of the house today, I decided to take a trip to try and purchase some reasonable pants.  I don't think my new employer would be happy with me showing up in sweats or cargo least not until I get casual weekdays implemented.  I think I ended up in JCPenneys and picked up a couple of pairs of Dockers.  I can't believe what they charge for pants these days!  I mean, if I had it my way, I would wear Levi's 569's every day with some black Asics.  So comfortable.  I don't think I am going to have quite that flexibility in my new job.  But we'll see.

I think sometime after plumber and pants I managed to snipe a digital camera on Ebay.  I've got a decent Sony but it's a little bulky and I've wanted a super slim camera I can just slip in my pocket for a good while.  You see, one of the ways I pass my time is by scouring Craigslist.  I have definitely found some gems, and one of these days I'll finish my post about the stuff we've actually purchased, but I digress.  I found someone selling a pretty slick little Nikon Coolpix but when I went to meet her it turns out the screen was messed up.  It worked fine when you took the pictures but no bueno when you wanted to review them.  I passed on that deal but then got kind of obsessed about getting that camera.  So...

Wait a minute...I distracted myself for a minute...Back to Craigslist.  Here are a couple of gems I've found recently in my free form searching.  

First, can concealers.  (The original ad has been removed but you get the gist).  
Second, a legitimately good deal on a new bike case.  My buddy has one of the same brand and it's rock solid.  Too bad I don't really have a use for one right now.  Maybe for Iceland next year...

I wrapped up the day with some awesome polo with the Cheyenne guys.  A few of them came down to Fort Collins for some epic games.  Those guys have been playing well and definitely gave us a run tonight.

Apologies for the long winded post, I guess it was a pretty fruitful day!

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