Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day Seven - Recovery

There's a lot to do after any camping trip that includes a big ride.  Clothes, sleeping bags, tents to deal with, dishes to wash, car to unpack, bike to put away, more clothes.  A nice perk to being unemployed is that one can tackle these tasks at leisure.

I thought about playing some paintball today, but I really don't feel quite right after the ride yesterday.  I think the elevation combined with the distance really wears me out.  So, I did some stuff around the house, watched a little TV and sometime after washing some dishes and before unpacking the car I did manage to make one of these.
My buddy Fenton sent me a link the other day and suggested I try making one of these with the remainder of my free a couple of days ago I picked up an old fork and this afternoon, I went to town.

There's not much else to report for today.  Even an unemployed bum needs quiet weekends every once in a while.  I did wrap up the evening with a stop by a Blockbuster kiosk and for the low price of $2.99 I was able to pick up this piece of garbage.
I really thought it would be better than is was.  The ending was anti-climactic and he didn't even get the girl.  Kind of a waste.

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