Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Knotty Knotty Dreads

So I have been growing my hair out since the wedding (Early October 2004) and now 4 months later I decided to do some research and I found someone in town that starts dreadlocks. My first search was a little bit interesting. I thought I was going into a black salon but I had the wrong address. I found a place with marble floors, classical music and an older white lady getting her hair shampood. Believe it or not...they didn't do dreads. But I found someone. Here's a couple of before shots.

and here are a couple of pics on day 1. Right now they just look like curls, it will take them a while to lock up into true dreads. For now I just have to twist and twist and twist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how long was your hair exactly the day you went to get your dreads done was it about 2 inches