Monday, February 28, 2005

Maybe a new bike...Wedding pics to be posted soon...

So, I really HAD to end my last post with the link that I left for everyone. I mean really, how could follow that with some useless blabber about a movie or the latest mini-z upgrade?

Anyway, just a heads up with what's going on this month. First, it's March which means it is the month that Johanna and I revamp the bathroom. We haven't made any plans or anything but, it's gonna happen...really! We really should get on that.

Second, there may be a new bike in store for Jimmy Jam. (That's my street name... G-G-G-G-G-G-UNIT!) A really sweet bike has emerged form the woodworks at a really nice price. I am pretty sure I am going to get it. I just have to look at the finances, do my taxes, BLAH BLAH BLAH...The hard part is going to be buying a bike without really getting a chance to try it out. But I think that's always how it is. You can ride it around the parking lot but without taking it through the paces, there's just no way to tell. Here's a pic...

I am also working on resizing and posting the pictures from our wedding back in October. While I am thinking of it...anyone out there who is bitter that they did not get a thank you card...we are working on it. We have had some communication breakdowns with our photographer. It's a little difficult to stay on top of it when we are so far away.

hmmm...I noticed that Steve hasn't updated his blog in a while, I'll have to get on him about that.

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