Monday, February 28, 2005

February Recap...Looking into March

So, February was a decent month. Lots of Mini-Z racing, a little bit of bike riding with more to come. The hair experiment was cool. If only you could get instant dreads ... but I guess unless you're Mekhi Phifer you gotta earn those locks.

For the last day of February we have a fair amount of snow falling in the center of the commonwealth, I don't know if it's going to stay vary long but it's almost guaranteed that school will be closed most of the week. Does that effect me...not really but I don't have much else to say right now.

If you are just piddling around the internets, check out some of the links on the right. There are a couple of blogs that are worth checking out and some random webpages of people that I know.

If you are here looking for another movie review, I guess I could dig one up. In the past couple of days we saw Hitch and Girl with a Pearl Earring.

So...the movie reviews will have to wait for another time. Ebay is always good for some interesting auctions. I have seen toast that looks like Jesus, auctions for a picture of an Xbox but this one is definitely one of the best. Not for the faint of heart (actually it's not that bad). Enough hype, here's the link

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