Sunday, September 03, 2006

Here is the bike

So, here we are 3 days into September and I haven't used the car yet! Well, that's because I have been out of town for for the last 5 days but, it's still a good start. I can already find scnearios where I am going to have to lug crap around town, but I am still hopeful.

Anyway, here's the bike that will be getting me around town. It's a 1996 Schwinn S96.3. Well that's what the frame is anyway. The headset is the only original thing that is still on the frame. Everything else is either upgrades or hand me downs.

Tomorrow is the first commute, I'll check back in, in a couple of days.


Anonymous said...

Where are the new pics? Still pimping them out?


Anonymous said...

It is exact