Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Here is the (new) bike...

As my favorite anonymous poster alluded to, I owe you guys some new pictures. I have already retired the super commuter in favor of another bike. I am sure Sally will know the deal right away. I don't have a lot to say about it yet, but I wanted to get some pictures.

By the way, I am doing a horrible job of living the car-less lifestyle but that's because the forces have been conspiring against me. Things should be better now...


Devan G said...

Hi James,

Looks like you have a different model than me - different font. Still the same geometry. Slowly you will learn to hate the gears on your other machine and

James G. said...

I think you are right. I was looking at the post with pictures of your fixie and the lettering is a little different.

I have already noticed an improvement in my cadence...J and I raced MTB's this weekend and I think my few fixie rides are helping.

I will keep the brakes on for now but some other changes are coming.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Nice setup. I can't explain it James, but I swear I'm faster without gears. I don't think it's a weight thing either.

I commute on my bike to work everyday (take that haters! telling me good luck with sitting in traffic in LA - ha!). I like to switch which bike I'm riding, between the road bike, mtb, and Surly (fixed gear). Most recently when I switched back to the Surly I saw an immediate change in my fitness. Surly makes me strong.

It's true. Don't know why, it's like magic sauce. Have fun dude! Good to keep your brakes on for now.

James G. said...

I definitely make it to work faster on the fixie! Since I can't really stop pedaling I am always looking for the slick way to turn. For example, when I am going up Emmet, I can either turn left up at Barracks, or if the light is right I turn left earlier and go up to Millmont St.

Magic Sauce! I like it...maybe that's what I'll name my bike.

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