Thursday, August 10, 2006


Okay, taking a break from the Japan posts for a minute. I just found the video for Common's song Testify. I don't have cable so I have to cathc videos online now, I's sad.

Anyway, the song is one of the most powerful tracks I have heard on any of his albums. I have to say that after seeing the video I am extremely disappointed. The song is fairly short and there is a lot of backstory revealed in the lyrics so I guess the only way that the video producers could go was to make it like a short movie, to fill in some story and stretch the actual lyrics.

If you can, listen to the song first (without the video) then watch the video. I hope you will understand what I am saying. It's a decent video but it's a great song, and too much is lost with the visual created. You should be able to use the links below to experience what I am talking about.

This player will let you listen to at least part of the song.

Here is the video. It's in the second post from the top.

Let me know what you think...

While you are at it, check out the video for BE. You can actually just turn off your monitor and listen to the lyrics. Make sure it's loud enough to hear the baseline come in and the synth trumpets (or maybe violins I think) that follow. Just the beat alone is enough to put me in a good mood. Tie in some poignant lyrics and this song makes it onto almost all of my iPod playlists.

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