Monday, January 17, 2005

"Hey, what have you been up to?"

So...have you ever seen somebody that you haven't seen in a while and they go "Hey, what have you been up to?" I usually just give them a blank stare for a couple of seconds while I try to think of at least one interesting thing that I have done over the last three months.

If I can't come up with anything my second thought is to come up with something that won't really inspire any more questions.

"ohhh, what have I been up to? hmmm...let me think...oh, I got an iPod...yeah it's really cool! So, what about you?"

Nobody wants to hear that I am racing little cars around a home-made track with 13 year olds who are spanking me left and right.

I mean what would the response be if I said "WOAH I JUST GOT A BALL BEARING DIFFERENTIAL FOR MY 1/28th scale MCLAREN F1...IT HANDLES SO MUCH BETTER NOW!"

Nobody wants to hear that crap. So, I talk about movies and weather and other stuff.


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