Friday, February 24, 2006

Router Installed

So the problem was my old a$$ NIC. I couldn't get a link between my desktop and the router. The computer is from 2001 so that may have something to do with it. Their tech support was actually pretty good. They tried several things with the router, my computer, etc to get me going.

It took 2 calls and 2 computers but it worked out. I got off of the first call around 1:30 or so, maybe later. I was at a standstill because I couldn't find the little ethernet adaptor that goes to Johanna's computer. (Stupid old computers!) After looking for 10 minutes with the tech guy on the phone, I gave up and resigned to calling back later. Within 30 seconds of hanging up, I found the connector. It was late but I had to call back.

Overall, it took longer than it should have...but the tech support was helpful. There was one weird thing though. Here's an example

Tech Support: Okay Sir, let me know when you have connected the computer to the router.
ME: It's connected

- 90 second pause -

TS: Okay sir, let me know when you have connected the computer to the router.
ME:'s connected.

That happened at least 4 times. He asked me to tell him when something was done, I did, and he asked me again, so I told him again. Weird.

Well, internet problem resolved. It's a happy ending

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goddamn that was funny. I laughed outloud and made the french people sitting at the computer next to me look at me try funny. I didnt try to explain. Just the fact that he kept still laughing.