Friday, January 20, 2006

Movie Review: The Big Bounce

I am way overdue for a movie review. I have a bunch of flicks I can report in with my recent memberships to both Netflix and I ended up cancelling Blockbuster because it took over a week to fully cycle a movie.

Before I cancelled Blockbuster...I rented this gem.

I can sum this one up in three short words:

This Movie Sucks.

I was really looking forward to something here. This was written by one of the writers of Be Cool, one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. So I thought I would go back to 2004 and see what this one had to offer. I figured with Owen Wilson and Morgan Freeman (great in Robin Hood) there was a high probability of a decent movie. I was wrong.

The plot never really got going, there was nothing particulary enthralling about the femme fatal Sara Foster (model turned actress) and all of other actors were fairly weak as well.

I guess I never understood what "The Bounce" was all about. Maybe I'll have to read the novel.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. This movie really caught me off-guard. I too had high expectations from Morgan Freeman and Owen Wilson, and it sort of made me wonder if actors have to do "bread and butter" movies just to make rent from time to time? It doesn't seem likely, but I was grasping for answers after watching this stinker.

Anonymous said...

I think your expectations were too high. I saw this movie while on a plane half asleep, and I thought it was entertaining. But then again, there's something about Owen's sleazy voice that always makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

This movie lacked a heck of a lot. A plot worth a damn or any sustenance. Try the book. the characters are more interesting and Leonard just knows how to give wonderful detail. However, like the movie the ending is terrible. At least the movie ending felt closed. The book just leaves you hanging, wanting just a tiny bit of closure, i'd still recommend checking it out, much better than the movie. Nanacy character is also way more developed and not so crude.