Sunday, January 15, 2006

Lost Lifestyles

So I have realized that a lot of my life is project driven. I am motivated by all of the (sometimes) crazy ideas that come into my head. Some of them actually pan out and maybe I pick up a new hobby or I create something that is halfway decent. Sadly for every decent idea there's probably at least two that never make it to a completed state, some don't make it past the drawing board. (My New Year's Resolution is to halt the ridiculous projects in the early stages so I don't have a surplus of lumber, PVC and bikes in the basement, but that's another post)

A close cousin to all of the projects that never get finished, I was thinking the other day about all of the hobbies (or skills or lifestyles, yeah...lifestyles) that I just don't have the time or energy or other resources to devote to them. That is the heart of this post. The lives I would live with unlimited time.

Race Car Driver

This isn't really what you think. I don't want to go head to head against a well-trained army of men who get sponsored to drive 200+ miles an hour. I just kind of like to drive fast. I like to drive fast and think about the best lines through corners and how hard I can push my car off of a red light or around an offramp. I am by no means wreckless, maybe just a little aggressive sometimes.

I drive a 2000 Honda Accord LX, with 149hp. It is not very fast or fancy or powerful, but I really do like my car. I have often thought that if I had the resources (time, money, ability) it would be fun to turn my car into a sleeper. Nothing crazy, probably stiffer suspension , alter my computer for more low end torque...Stuff like that. There are definitely auto-cross races where anyone can enter any car, even a stock 2000 4 cylinder Honda Accord. Maybe one day...Maybe.

Master on the Wheels of Steel

I enjoy music, but unfortunately, I don't live music. My preferred genre is Hip-hop and as a result I have daydreamed about spinning records in my basement creating mix-tapes for myself and my friends. Scratching records in clever ways to create percussive rhythms and musical transitions to excite a crowd. I have only ever played a wind instrument but there is something about percussion and syncopated rhythms that get me excited.

I have only met two DJ's in my life. Both encounters were a little disappointing. The first was sometime in college when a friend of a friend had some turntables. He was pretty good and graciously let me take a shot at trying to synch up two beats. It was a sad, sad thing. I thought maybe...just maybe...when I put my fingertips to the vinyl I would reveal some innate talent, an untapped gift. Not so.

My second encounter with a DJ was a family friend, in London. I am not sure but I think he was a professional DJ, that's how he made his living. It was also how he lived his life. Everything he talked about, thought about, read about was music. Mostly Hip-Hop, but he knew who was going to be on who's albums, which producer was creating beats for which R&B artist, who was going to be in Missy's next remix. Basically, he knew as much about music and musicians as most of my friends know about bikes and cyclists...combined.

I guess I just don't have the passion.

Skilled Marksman

Nothing too crazy here. I would like to know how to use a firearm with great precision. Handgun, rifle, it doesn't really matter. I don't actually want to own a gun, just be a really good shot. It would probably take a lot of practice before I knew what my actual potential could be. I don't want to practice I just want to be good.

So let's hear from you guys. What would you do/be if you had the time/money/energy to incorporate a new lifestyle. If every day were a Saturday and your debit card never ran dry, what would you do when you got out of bed?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Army Mountain Bike Team
I think I would like to start a top secret all-female non-combat scout team of Army Mountain Bikers. Nothing violent, just collecting information about the terrain, doing surviellance missions, etc. All-female, just so that any of the weird gender issues that seem to crop up in the military are completely avoided.

Bike Messenger in San Francisco
But this time, I'd get paid a reasonable amount of money and have health insurance, 401k etc. You know, a real sustainable profession.

BTW James, I just recently found out that my Dad is an incredible shot. I've never even seen him hold a gun, but he said he ranked #2 in a West Point Academy competition for rifle accuracy. He said it was rigged, he would've gotten 1st but they wanted to make sure a shiny prep school kid won. So, maybe he could hook you up with some pointers. It's amazing the stuff you learn about your parents after you've known them for so long!