Sunday, June 04, 2006

It's been a while

I think I am getting in over my head again. I am juggling a lot of things right now (work , riding, Mini-z's, more Mini-Z's, more riding) and I just don't have the time to do it all, nevermind report on it on a daily basis.

There have been a couple of recent big events

Number 1 - Johanna's Graduation

They call it "Final exercises" at UVa. I think that's a dumb name. I have a couple of really good pictures but not on this computer so you'll have to wait for these

Number 2 - My Birthday

I also have pictures from this one but I am too lazy to resize them right now.

Number 3 - Angry Cockatiel

Our female cockatiel Harriet has started laying eggs. We don't think that they are fertile but we have to let her lay a full clutch and sit on them for about 10 days. If we take the eggs away she'll keep laying and that can lead to all kinds of health problems.

Here's a picture of her. She was rolling the eggs under her but she stopped when she saw me, that's why she's only sitting on one and the other two are around her. She's actually a pretty good mom.

A closer look.


Anonymous said...

OH wow...I didn't know that Harriet laid eggs. Bet Homer is the father.

Anonymous said...

We were thinking (hoping) they were unfertilized. But you never know. They have a lot of unsupervised time. James did see charlie try to mate with harriet, but homer pushed him off.:)

Anonymous said...

They're probably infertile. Cockatiels rarely mate without a nesting box and will sometimes lay eggs anyway. Then again, you never know.