Friday, March 03, 2006

How do you know when you are addicted to the Internet?

When you are blogging in bed! I have a very strong character trait that usually gets me into trouble. Procrastination. I procrastinate with evertything. For example, I was going to clean the kitchen tonight, but instead I watched the movie Crash. I was going to get to bed at 11:00 but instead I jumped on the computer one more time, to check out a couple of blogs that I haven't visited in a while. Then I decied that I needed to update my blog. I didn't want to push bed time any farther, so I grabbed Johanna's laptop and here I am.

Since I managed to get the wireless up and running, I can Bed-Blog. Very sad I know.

With Johanna in South America until the end of March, it's going to be pretty difficullt to battle my tendancy to procrastinate.

I have a lot to catch up on. I have been a little bit out of touch because so many things are going on.

The hierarchy of projects has been somewhat rattled.

Here's a quick rundown of what's been going on.

I think I skipped right to converting my Klein into a single speed,

I picked up a track for my Mini'Z's (and picked up some whole new tasks along with that)

On top of the projects, I have watched several DVD's(Akira, Crash, Transformers Season I, Napolean Dynamite, scrubs Season 1 and most of Season 2, Appleseed),
played Poker, cut my hair, done some serious house cleaning and a litle bit of laundry.

I would like to get started on the Charlottesville Podcast. I have several ideas for
individuals that I want to interview.

This is sort of a shotgun post, but it's a little taste of what's to come.


Anonymous said...

I saw the movie "Crash" too. I thought that the scene with the father and the daughter regarding the "cloak" was one of the best scenes I have ever scene in a movie. I'm talking about the first scene, the one where the daughter is hiding underneath the bed. What did you think?

Although I thought the movie was strong, I agree with many critics in that the dichotomousization of the racial problems in L.A. were overly simplistic. Moreover, I thought that Asian people deserved a larger role in the film - rather than the stereotypical roles they were cast in.



James G. said...

I also really liked that scene. I thought it was very clever and it added a lot of depth to the "homie" that was an honest man.

When I haad just finished watching it, I was a little bothered by the fact that all of the characters were so "absolute". There was no scale of racism, it was all or none. I guess there are people like that or at least normal folks can get pretty worked up when we are at our worst, that's how we get. (Thinking about the black couple after getting stopped)

The mentality of the shop owner (that everyone was cheating him) was pretty eye-opening. I wonder how many non-native business owners feel like they are getting cheated.

ahhh...this one probably deserves a post all its own.

Anonymous said...

What do you have against asian people dgains?