Thursday, April 14, 2005

Useless Link of the Week:

Here is the first installment of what I will call "Useless Link of the Week". Web portals that serve no real purpose but to waste your precious time and keep you in front of the computer and away from the sunny outdoors.

You will need some background for this one. I am sure everyone has gotten spam from an individual claiming to be a Nigerian official with a surplus of money (in american dollars) and they need someplace to put it. This scam only works because Americans are greedy and dumb! Bascially this "Nigerian Official" needs a place to keep the rediculous sum of money and you are promised a percentage of the money when it's all over. Of course various "fees" come up in the process of transferring the money and the unsuspecting American is convinced that each of these fees will be the last before the tons of money are deposited into their account.

Well, this is an example of someone who has decide to turn things around on the scammers. This guy actually resonds to the scammers, promising the money that they need but ends up getting money out of the scammer! It's hilarious! The link that I sent you to is just an exapmle of how he did it. There are several case studies and this is by no means the most money he has scammed out of a scammer but it's great.

It's a little long, but just skim through the first couple of pages, you won't be sorry.


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