Saturday, March 26, 2005

Am I More Important than a Fire Truck? Yeah, I Think So!

So I have a lot of pet peaves that center around driving. Not that I am the best driver in the world, I have had my fair share of "Crap, where did that guy come from " incidents...but there are a couple of driving habits on the road that irk me to n end.

Some of them have to do with not using turn signals, some are because I don't like to wait for slow drivers, but the one that has been bugging me the most is people who think that where ever they are going is more urgent than the screaming fire truck, police car and/or ambulance that is headed their way.

I was under the impression that when you hear an emergency vehicle you are supposed to stay stopped (assuming you are at a light, interestection, stop sign) identify where the vehicle is coming from and do the best you can the get the heck out of the friggin way. Over the last couple of days (years really) I have seen more and more people
1) ignoring the sirens and not getting out of the way
2)accelerating through the intersection before the emergency vehicle comes through the interstection so that they are not delayed an additional 10 SECONDS by the oncoming big red fire truck.

I mean come on people, what are you thinking?

Even if you don't like the police because they caught you with an expired inspection sticker, chances are pretty good that the fire truck or ambulance is out on a mission to help somebody. You may be late to work, or you may need your morning coffee and you're running late, but is that REALLY more important than stopping someone's house from burning down.

...and what if that was your mom in that ambulance?

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