Friday, June 27, 2008

Dark Hours

So, this is a concept that we came up with in college. One evening when I couldn't sleep my roommate and I tried to account for all of the hours in a week, 168. I don't remember the exact calculations but we allotted time for classes, getting back and forth to class, work, homework, meals, brushing teeth, showering, exercise, etc. As I recall we were fairly generous with the time, overestimating to try and get a realistic count. By the end of our exercise, we had accounted for less than 150 hours, almost a full day that we couldn't account for.

As I was driving to work the other day thinking about all of the things I do (poker, paintball, riding) I started to wonder if I could account for all of the hours in my week and exactly how many "Dark Hours" were left, unaccounted for. Here's my assessment.

8-9 hours/day
63 hours/wk
(105 remaining)

Work (including driving to/from)
45 hrs/week
(60 remaining)

3 hours/day
21 hrs/week
(39 remaining)

9 hours/week
(30 remaining)

Mini-Z Racing
2.5 hours/week average
(27.5 remaining)

Hygiene - Showering, brushing teeth, etc
1 hr/day
(20.5 remaining)

Food Shopping
1 hour/week
(19.5 remaining)

Email, web-surfing, etc
1 hour/day
(12.5 remaining)

I would say most of those estimates are pretty fair. This leaves about 12 hours/week unaccounted for. Granted, I didn't account for TV which could easily be 2-5 hours for me. I guess my time is just a little more cluttered today than it was 10 years ago. I also find myself working on random pet projects around during my idle time...something that didn't really happen when I lived in one room.

I don't know if I expected to have some huge revelation when I started writing this...but I didn't. I guess I am just curious to know if other people have such "Dark Hours" that get lost little by little in the daily shuffle.

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